MuFFin's Blog
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Sunday, October 5, 2008

I attended my first dog hash with my beard all over my face! As usual, i cannot resist the many many scents carried in the air when DaDDy winded down the window.

Check out how fast my ride was!

Many doggies were there. There was a really huge doggie there. Heard hoomans called her ShaSha.

She looked very guai. Really... and heard MuMMy giggling how sweet she was.

Today was my lucky day! I got offleash other than the beach. So i went around exploring, doing my favourite sniffing job. Muahahaha! *Evil grins* I put my nose closely to the ground and started gallivanting till other doggies scents distracted me.

I started off sniffing a dog about my size and......

I don't know where i plucked my courage from to sniff a dog thatttt tallllll.

Then all of a suddenly, MuMMy and DaDDY said " Let's go, MuFFin!" Before i realised they disappeared into this thinny path. I was afraid coz there were many hoomans and dogs who went into it and never appear. Till i heard another call from my folks, then rushed bravely in. It was all greenery on the other side. So cool and new to me. I walked off the track on to the slope at the side. To my horror, each step i took seem to be deeper and deeper. I had no choice but to hop and hop and hop and hop out of that trap!!! Geez, the hoomans were laughing at me. Hellow!!! I was brave enough to step into it k?

It was all MuMMy's fault for not taking many many many pictures of my agile movements. Sigh, she only took one shot of me walking through a path with DaDDy in front.
I was running fast fast to catch up! It was weird, sometimes MuMMy was slow and sometimes DaDDy was slow. And it made me worried who got left behind. I had to stop every now and then to make sure my folks were around me. Initially, i was really nervous about all the big dogs when i stopped. And goodness gracious me! Mum actually took that embarrassing moment when i stopped to look for her!

Can you see?? I was shocked by Blessy when i was all focus on mummy. I was so worried about MuMMy and yet she embarrassed me by taking this................................

I jumped over drain to the deeper portion of the forest.... I followed whereever my folks go and often got spooked by branches that popped out of nowhere. There were many slopes and they were peanuts to me. However, i think MuMMy was really wary about doing down slopes. Oh, i actually fell into a drain when my leap wasn't strong enough to the other side. Hiaz, i hitted myself hard under my chin! It was really painful. MuMMy got so shocked and she quickly reached out to grab me out of the drain.

That was how wide the drain........

MuMMy's friend helped us take a family photo. (Psst.... both of my folks were sweaty!!)

And this was MuMMy's friend with her friend and dogs.

I followed my folks closely.... so close that i always get hit by their fast pacing feet...=( Oh, at a stretch of the trail, i felt needle poking me!! So i tried to get their attention by sitting down in front of them. I tried many many times...... they still kept going so i jumped jumped on them. And whenever i had the needle poking pain, i squirmed. They finally got the idea so i got picked up and had a body search. Ants were the culprit!! They were so much nastier than those at home! Irk, mum got bitten too! Haha at least she would know how i felt. I got so many all over!!

For the whole trekking, i was only carried across the stream... I wonder why i never get to swim coz i could have felt better after those ants bites. The whole trail ended shortly after we ran upwards high high up!

The hoomans all gathered around, some sitting comfortably in their foldable chairs, some standing around drinking......some dogs were resting, some dogs were humping......
See see? Hoomans got comfortable place to rest on!

Me? Got another body search by MuMMy and DaDDY. It was too many of them and they decided to drench me down hoping to drown the ants..... I did feel better after.
Drenched only on my legs.

Can you see more dogs from here? It was really fun.... they are not intimidating or big bullies. All they did was to follow their owners. They were all nice to each other. All well-balanced dogs i supposed.

I went about sniffing again when MuMMy and DaDDy were resting on the ground. I always got them nervous when i went too far down the road. But i was lucky enough not to get leash.... I wondered why my folks were so nice today. Oh, and also... my folks did something weird today.... I heard some singing and they drank from a DOG BOWL... both of them!!! Geez..... had they learn to become a dog after going for a dog hash?
What happen to them??

I was dead tired after a bath back home. Soooooo tired till i don't feel like moving an inch! Nevertheless, i still love dog hash!! Yipee, MuMMy and DaDDy had promised me to go for the next one!


3:06 PM

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm all excited already!!! MuMMy said we are going for this dog hash!!

"When & where's the next DASH?
DASH #81 Date: 4th October 2008 Saturday
Hares: Bully & Molly
Time: Register 4.30 pm
Run Starts at 5 pm Location:
End of Jalan Kampong Chantek (off Dunearn Road)"

Wonder what would it be like?

10:42 PM

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Today was Children's Day. All kids hadtheir celebration today. Since MuMMy and DaDDy have no work today, i got my celebration too! It was a very long walk at East Coast Park. I love walks coz i am a very fit girl!! You haven't seen my well developed muscles on my hind legs when i am drench. I worked super duper hard for it k?

Anyways, nothing much happen ECP. I just got to meet some dogs and i walked and walked. In this entry, i wanna also tell you how much i love to put my head outside the car while DaDDy is driving. It is not a myth dogs like to that. It is a freaking fact!! Why do we dogs like it?? Let meee tell you! We love new scents and when the car is moving, i get whole lots of different scents!!!! It is just so refreshing!! I get such rides only during the journey to beach or parks. MuMMy forbid DaDDy to do it on expressway. She mentioned something about carbon monoxide. ANd my folks never fail to laugh when watching me poke my head out.
Getting all ready to pOkE my head out!
You don't get such cool look everyday you know??
It was quite frustrating when the wind blew my hairstyle messy!
I tried all means to give the best pose for MuM but her photography skill just cannot make it!! Hmmph! (M: Hello? I risked my hp by putting it out of the car!!)


11:49 PM