Nowadays, Daddy and Mummy have been too busy with their wedding preparation that i am officially deprived of daily walks. The guilt in both of them always get me to fun places during the weekend. Like today, we went to Bedok Reservoir to run run with Daddy. We waited very long for a carpark lot and in vain. As the sun rose higher, the temperature got hotter. So Mummy suggested that Daddy and me go run first while she would join us later.
Dadday did his stretching and started running with me on leash coz there was an event going on. As we ran, the people got lesser and my leash went off. Daddy's hp suddenly rang. Mummy got a parking lot and i heard that she's coming. Hmm... But Mummy can never catch up with us..... hmm Anyway, i just continued running with Daddy for 3.5km. He stopped twice to rest me coz he didn't bring any water (GOSH!). As i blindly followed daddy, he suddenly shouted "Where's Mummy?" Anxiety hit me hard, i went around sniffing and looking. Just then, i saw this very small figure coming from far. And Daddy's tone got more excited! I knew it was Mummy coming! She went the other way.

Can you see me? The black dot is me. And the white stroke is Daddy.

I finally found MuMMy, and here i ran towards her!!

Here's DaDDy, running fast and steady!

As Daddy ran past us, i couldn't help but ran after him again! I love actions!

But i am mega tired. Can you see that i'm heading for shady area? There was a bench there actually. Haha.. i know where to rest!

See? I stopped right at the bench. And coz my folks do not carry water with them, they decided to give me a long good deserved rest.

Mummy is a lazy pig. She walked so slowly!
There i am waiting for her!
After Mummy sat on the bench, i decided that it was very safe to lie down and slack. I was panting allllll the way till i couldn't lie down properly. The hot sun definitely heated me up alot!
See how tired i am? I ran 3.5km NON STOP! Way more than Mummy! (M: pls lo, you stopped TWICE!)
A last shot before we make our way to the end point!
PHEW! But i worked out well today!